

This website compiles a list of the greatest movies of all time calculated by using the aggregated rankings of several greatest movie lists.

There is a default list sorted using default weights, but the website also lets you customize the weights assigned to each component list.

Created using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Python.

Inspired by thegreatestbooks.org and They Shoot Pictures, Don't They.

This website uses the TMDB API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDB.

This website also links to Letterboxd but is not endorsed or certified by Letterboxd.


For each movie and the selected set of lists and corresponding weights, its score is listcontribution(list,movie) where contribution(list,movie)=(list weight100)(decay factor)(position of movie on list1) for a list that is ranked and contribution(list,movie)=(list weight100)(1np=1n(decay factor)(p1)) for a list with n elements that is unranked (i.e. the total score that would have been allocated if the list had been ranked, but divided evenly between all movies on the list).

Ties are broken by a movie's ranking in the default list. Further tiebreaking is arbitrary.

The list information and metadata are manually maintained. Movie metadata, like the poster image and the director(s) of a movie, are sourced from TMDB.